1. Complete the registration form
The registration application must be typed and must include the following declarations:
- For natural persons - the full name and domicile of the applicant.
- For legal entities - the company name and address and, if no agent is appointed, the status or capacity of the person signing the application.
- If an agent is appointed, their full name and domicile.
- The number and nature of the designs being registered and the order number (N°1, N°2, etc.) assigned to them.
- If applicable, the date on which the design was disclosed to third parties or the date on which it was first filed overseas (date of priority), along with the country of origin and the registration number.
- The number of the Locarno Classification class.
- The duration of the protection sought (10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years).
- The date of filing with the Office.
- The signature of the applicant or their agent.
2. Put together an application
Along with your application for registration, you should include three identical copies, on A4 paper, of the following:
- On the front side of the paper, with no words or other references, a reproduction of the industrial drawing for which you are seeking protection, the sides of which must measure no less than 8 centimetres.
- On the back side of the paper, in the top right hand corner, the filing date, the applicant or agent’s signature and the number of the industrial design concerned in the case of a multiple filing. These numbers must follow a consistent logical order, without repetition or interruption.
NOTE: It is important to provide the Office with quality reproductions on a neutral background, with details where appropriate. The protection granted will extend only to elements that are registered, claimed and visible when published in the Annex to the Official Journal of Monaco. It may therefore be useful to subdivide a design into several parts, with different angles. In this case, on the day of filing you should provide an overview of the product for which you are claiming protection, with lines connecting the partial shapes. These shapes must be identified by means of reference numbers or letters.
- Where applicable, on one or more sheets of A4 paper, in three copies:
- On the front side of the paper, an explanatory legend explaining how the industrial design(s) is or are novel. The legend should not include any descriptions or instructions and must not seek to explain the usefulness of the product or its industrial output. If you are filing multiple designs, each legend may refer only to a single object (and it must bear the number of that object):
- On the back side of the paper, in the top right hand corner, the filing date and the applicant or agent’s signature.
- Where applicable, the official documents referred to in Step 3, such as a power of attorney, priority documentation or proof of reciprocal arrangements. IMPORTANT: Failure to provide these documents may cause your registration to be delayed, or in some cases may even result in your application being rejected.
3. File your registration application with the Office and pay the required fees
Once you have collected all of the filing documents needed, you will need to submit them all by hand at the Office itself, and pay the necessary fees. Applications may not be filed by mail, email, fax or any other means.
The Office will provide you with a receipt indicating the filing number, date and time, and the amount of any fees paid. This receipt must be signed by the applicant, indicating their name and position or capacity.