If you have noticed an error by the D.P.I. with the details in your ownership title, certificate of identity or entries on the Patents Register, you can report it to enable the D.P.I. to make the necessary corrections.
PLEASE NOTE: if you are responsible for the error, refer to the section “Updating patent information”.
The correction application must concern a patent that has been granted and published. The correction application may also concern a European patent that has been granted and which designates Monaco.
Who can report an error?
The proprietor of the patent listed on the Patents Register, or anyone who disclosed the information processed by the D.P.I.
How to report an error
Your correction application must be on plain paper and must include the following:
- the name and address of the person requesting a correction
- the number of the patent concerned
- the location of the error in the Industrial Property Annex to the Official Journal of Monaco (Journal number, page number of the Annex).
Please note: If the error concerns the ownership title or certificate of identity, you should attach a copy of the relevant part of the document.
How much does a correction cost?
The correction is free if the error was caused by the D.P.I.
Where to submit your registration application
Once you have all of the documents needed, you can:
- Submit them in person at the D.P.I.
- Send them by email:
- mcipo@gouv.mc;
- Or by fax: (+377) 92 05 75 20
- Post them to:
Direction du Développement Economique
Division de la Propriété Industrielle
9 rue du Gabian
98000 Monaco
Principality of Monaco
After the correction application
The D.P.I. will make the necessary corrections to the Patents Register, inform the applicant by post and arrange for an erratum to be published in the Annex to the Official Journal of Monaco.