The granting of the patent

  • Guide

The Office passes the application to the Council of Government

When the secrecy period expires (six, twelve, or eighteen months), patents for which applications have been made in proper order will be granted, but with no guarantee as to the reality, novelty or merit of the invention, or to the faithfulness or accuracy of the description.

The patent will be granted by a decree issued by the Minister of State, confirming that the application was made in accordance with requirements.

The Office will inform you that the patent has been granted and invite you to collect the ownership title

The ownership title includes a copy of the ministerial decree, to which will be appended a copy of the specification (description and drawings).

In the general interest, it is advisable to read the ownership title carefully and inform the Office of any errors as quickly as possible (see section entitled “Reporting an error”).

Thereafter, the specification can be consulted at the Office.

A notice will be published in the Industrial Property Annex to the Official Journal of Monaco, informing the public that your patent has been granted.