MC - Federated Register Service

  • Article

1. MC - European Patent Register

Coverage: EP patents granted and designating Monaco since September 1996

The Register is updated on a daily basis.

Availability of file inspection only by visiting the National Patent Office.

Availability of Deep linking to MC-EP Patent register from Federated Register: Yes


2. Contents provided via Federated Register Service (FRS)

MC - Contents
1  Status  Yes
 List of legal status:
- Patent expired
- Patent not in force
- Patent lapsed
- Patent revoked
- Patent in force
2  Application No.  Yes  European application number.
3  Publication No.  Yes  European publication number.
4  Proprietor  Yes  Current proprietor.
5  Invalidation date  No
The invalidation date is the date when the decision on the invalidation was taken.
It can be the date of one of the following events:
- Patent revoked
- Patent lapsed
- Patent expired
6  Not in force since  No  This information is currently not provided.
7  Renewal fee last paid  No  This information is currently not provided
8  Register last updated  Yes  The date of the last update of the record
9  SPC  No  This information is currently not provided.


3. Contact details

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4. Related links

European Patent Register